Akshay Sundher is a self taught Filmmaker based out of Chennai, India with a background in professional gaming and photo journalism. He did his post graduation (MS in Communication) from Christ University, Bangalore. His love for cinema always existed, but only post his experience as a journalist, he realized cinema as a medium has all the freedom to discuss important issues in society, educate and empower people through stories. With that realization, he decided to take up film making as his profession.

He started off with shooting self funded short narratives which got him awards and recognition at Film Festivals, and slowly evolved to shooting well produced content for advertisements, music videos, web series, corporate films etc. Though initially, he took up to shooting ad films for the purpose of earning his bread, he realized that ads are also a great medium with the potential to tell great stories to people. The strong photojournalism background helps him understand the power of an image and thus enables him to craft his works as visual narratives.

Akshay Sundher is a strong believer of the idea of Equality in society and wishes to discuss the same through his cinema.